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My First Round of Whole30 Starts August 17th!

The Whole30 is a reset for our bodies, to learn what foods may be problematic for us.  It's only 30 days, we can do it!

So many people have completed multiple rounds of Whole30 and I have yet to ever complete one.  BUT that is changing!  A friend of mine was explaining the benefits of it to me last weekend and it made me want to research it again and give it a go.  

What is Whole30?

You can learn all about The Whole30 here, but it is basically a reset for our bodies.  Foods that we consume can have such a crazy impact on us that we may not even realize.  You completely eliminate all of the trigger foods that tend to give us the most problems for an entire 30 days.  After the 30 days is up you slowly reintroduce specific foods, which is where you will find out if you have certain intolerances or allergies, or what foods make you less energized, etc.  I’m excited to see how I feel overall after completing this challenge.  People have said that their results include better sleep, higher energy, reduced acne, weight loss, better gut health, less bloat, decreased anxiety, and so much more.  You can learn about the program rules here.  

My Why For Doing The Whole30

Although this is going to be a MAJOR challenge for me, I know that it will also be one of the best things I do for my body.  I’m confident I have an intolerance to something which I think might be lactose, but I’m not 100% sure what it is.  It could be so many things!  Completing Whole30 should help me pinpoint my problem once I start reintroducing foods after the 30 days.

In addition to helping figure out my food sensitivities, this will also help me break some bad habits.  If you remember, last September I quit drinking pop cold turkey.  I lasted four months, which was amazing, and I was beyond proud of myself!  Unfortunately, that only lasted those four months and it has been hard to give up again.  During my time of not drinking pop I was also drinking iced coffee to avoid withdrawal headaches.  Iced coffees that I like are full of sugar so I won’t be able to consume those during this challenge either.  I don’t like just black coffee like some people!  I’m pretty nervous about the withdrawal symptoms I will experience at the beginning of my round but I know it will be worth it for my body.  

Lastly, I’m excited to see if completing Whole30 will help my acne.  I’ve thought about trying to give up dairy to see if it helps, but cheese is something I consume often so always thought it wouldn’t be possible to completely eliminate from my diet.  I’ve always had acne so we will see if it will clear up between cleaning up my diet, drinking more water, and giving up dairy.

Being that I am on a weight loss journey, I’m also hopeful that I will lose a few pounds!

The Prep

I’ve been preparing a lot of lists before I start!  I have a list for meal ideas, a countdown sheet that also lists the things that are on and off-limits, as well as a grocery list for my first Whole30 haul!  The hope is that this will help me be more successful.  I’ve been told it’s important to really prepare yourself for this so that you know what to expect and so that you can plan to succeed.  

I would love to hear what you’ve learned about your body from completing Whole30!  Let me know in the comments.  If you haven’t done it, is it something you’ve thought about completing?

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